Evumeimei Dingzai

Evumeimei Dingzai (Evvy) is a character in the book Street Magic, part of the Circle Opens quartet. She is also the protagonist in Melting Stones


Evvy is originally from the Yanjing Empire. When she was six, her parents sold her as a slave when the family was passing through Chammur. Evvy later runs away and lives as a street kid, adopting seven cats in the process. She has ambient magic with stones and makes some money to feed herself and her cats by polishing stones for a seller of gemstones.

Briar Moss discovers Evvy, who is now about ten, when examining the Chammur marketplace. Evvy first runs away, but Briar finds her and explains that she has stone magic. She is still somewhat distrustful, but accepts Briar as a teacher, mainly because he was also a street kid before and can relate.

Evvy refuses to be taught by the only local stone mage, Jebilu Stoneslicer, so Briar is stuck being her teacher. He begins teaching her how to read and write and the properties of various stones.

Later, Evvy is kidnapped by a gang that intends to use her magic to help them with their work. She fights back and that along with Briar going to rescue allows her to escape. At the end of the book, Evvy and her cats go with Briar and Rosethorn on their journey to Yanjing. Later, after going to Yanjing and Gyongxe - where they suffer through war - they return to Emelan, where Evvy continues her magical education at Winding Circle. At the end of the events in Melting Stones, she decides to become a novice of Winding Circle.